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Constitution of the African Students' Association at Indiana University


The African Students' Association at Indiana University-Bloomington shall concern itself primarily with the welfare of students who have interest in African affairs. Convinced that the youths of Africa everywhere have a significant role to play in the shaping of the destiny of Africa, The African Students Associations at Indiana University declare that the main objective of our Association shall essentially be:

a.     Raising awareness about the cultural, economic, social, and political problems in Africa among the student population at Indiana University.
b.     Creating a welcoming environment for everyone from every race, creed, and religion.
c.     Providing necessary resources needed for the members to succeed as students at Indiana University.
d.     Celebrating the art, innovation, and advancement from Africa.

ARTICLE I: Name of the Organization
This organization shall be known as THE AFRICAN STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION AT INDIANA UNIVERSITY, hereafter referred to as: IUASA.

ARTICLE II: Membership
Sec. A. Membership is open to all students at Indiana University.
Sec. B. A member is anyone who pays their due of $7 a semester or $10 for the academic year.
Sec. C. An active member is anyone who:
1.     Pays their due of $7 a semester or $10 for the academic year
2.     Attends 50% of all mass meetings
3.     Participate in at least 2 committees a semester
4.     Participates in at least 3 of the following: social, volunteering, or fundraising event.
Sec. D. Only active members are eligible to vote.

ARTICLE III: Organization of the Association
Sec. A. The Association
1.     The Association consists of the Executive Board, Advisor, and Members of African Students’ Association.
Sec. B. Mass Meeting
1.     The primary function of mass meetings are to reconvene all IUASA members to discuss African issues, announce IUASA events, and establish a convenient location for the IUASA community
2.     Mass meetings will occur bi-monthly
3.     Mass meetings will be 7PM at a disclosed location.
      4. Committees for IUASA events will be created during mass meetings

Sec. C. Executive Board
1.     The Executive Board is composed of seven members as follows:
a.     President
b.     Vice-President
c.     Secretary
d.     Treasurer(2)
e.     Volunteer/Social Chair
f.      Public Relation Officer
g.     Historian

      2.  The Executive Board is in charge of organizing all IUASA events
   3. The Executive Board shall initiate and implement projects deemed necessary in      accordance with the objectives of the Association.
   4. The Executive Board however be responsible to the Association for the success of IUASA
    5.  The Executive Board shall be responsible for collecting the Association records from departing members. 
    6. The Executive Board shall be responsible for creating or updating a new constitution at the installment of every new Executive Board.
   7. Members of the Executive Board are expected to attend weekly Executive Board meetings. If they will be absent the member should notify the Executive Board at the earliest time of convenience.

ARTICLE IV: Duties of Officers
Sec. A. President:
1.     The President shall serve for one full year (12 months) and shall leave office after the installment of the new Executive board.
2.     He/She shall represent the Association at all non-IUASA events
3.     He/She shall prepare the agenda for all meetings of the Mass Meeting and the Executive Board, enforcing basic parliamentary rules of order, with due respect to the constitution.
4.     He/She shall appoint members of committees, and all other non-elective officers upon consultation with the executive board members.
5.     He/She shall organize official documents and reports for the Association.
6.     He/She shall coordinate the efforts of the executive board, as well as any special committee(s), and shall assign duties to members as the need arises.

Sec. B. Vice-President:
1.     He/She shall assume the functions of the President in their absence
2.     He/She shall be a liaison between the Executive Board and the Association

Sec. C. Secretary:
1.     The Secretary shall be the chief correspondent and archive officer of the association.
a.     Prepare notes of items discussed in Mass Meeting
b.     Prepare notes of items discussed in Executive Board
2.      He/She shall announce general assembly meetings and inform all members, in writing of any activity of the association each semester.
3.     He/She shall keep a record of member status
a.     Shall have documentation on member attendance, dues, and T-shirt size

Sec.D. Treasurer:
1.     The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial records of the Association
2.     There shall be two Treasures
a.     One treasure shall be from the previous Executive Board
b.     One treasure should be new to the Executive Board
c.     He/She shall be in charge of fundraising.
d.     Shall establish an event when necessary
e.     Shall have funding available for an event within 3 weeks of event
3.     He/She shall make a written financial budget report to the Executive committee for any social event in which funds will be needed.
4.     He/She shall deposit all funds collected on behalf of the IUASA into the Associations account within 5 days.
5.     He/She shall be in charge of collecting dues:
a.     Membership and T-shirt dues

Sec. E. Volunteer/Social Chair
1.     He/she shall organize events that give back to the Bloomington and African community.
2.     He/She shall organize volunteer and social events  that will fulfill at least one of the following pillars:
a.  Academic Life, exploring beliefs, community development and personal  development.
3.     He/She shall create and develop relationships with volunteer coordinators for further volunteer opportunities.
4.     He/She shall keep track of membership volunteer participation.

Sec. F . Public Relations Officer:
1.     He/She shall have access to a variety of social media and bringing more awareness about IUASA as an organizations on the social media
2.     He/She shall oversea all of  IUASA’s  advertisement on a timely manner (Submit a flyer for every event on a timely fashion
3.     He/She shall be in charge of room bookings.
4.     He/She shall be a liaison between IUASA and other student organizations on campus.

Sec. G. Historian
1.     He/She shall maintain the change of the IUASA website.
2. He/She shall be present at every event. If the individual is unable to make the event, they will have to find a replacement and let other members of the Executive Board know
4. Reflections of every event held at IUASA, all the positives and negatives
5. In charge of posting all media coverage at most 7 days after the event

ARTICLE VI: Special Committees
Special committees shall be created for a given period when the need arises. They will be responsible for carrying out projects approved by the Executive Board.
Sec. A. General Assembly
(1) The General Assembly shall meet at least once a month - in the evening time of the second Tuesday of the month.
(2) The General Assembly may also meet on special occasions on the Executive Committee's request for IUASA sponsored social/philanthropic events.
Sec. B. Executive Committee:
(1) The Executive Committee shall meet at least three times a month.
(2) It shall also meet in emergency situations as dictated by the president.
(3) The decisions of the Executive Committee shall be determined by the President, or the VP in his/her absence, as well as by two-thirds of the members present.
ARTICLE VIII: Elections:
Sec. A. Executive Board positions are to be filled by active members who file an application.  
a.     An application includes a written portion due at an announced time
b.     The Executive Board reads the applications and chooses the individuals for the following Executive Board.
Sec. B. The President position is voted on by the Association
a.     Only Active Members are eligible to run for office.
b.     All candidates must prepare a speech in addition to filing an application.
c.     Voting is secret ballot by all members in attendance.
d.     In the event of a tie, the Executive Board will choose the winning candidate.
Sec. C. Special Case: In the case of a vacant position, due to resignation or other situation, the President shall nominate in consultation with the Executive Board an Officer to fill the post within a week of vacancy.

ARTICLE IX: Amendment Procedures
Sec. A. Any Amendment proposal must be in writing and submitted to the President stating the clause to be amended, the proposed change and the motivation or justification for the change.
a.     The Executive Board will confer on whether the amendment addition is appropriate for the constitution.

      Statement of University Compliance: This organization shall comply with all Indiana University regulations, and local, state, and federal laws.
      Anti-Hazing Policy: Hazing is strictly prohibited. Hazing shall be defined as any conduct which subjects another person, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or psychologically, to anything that may abuse, degrade, or intimidate the person as a condition of association with a group or organization, regardless of the person's consent or lack of consent.
      Personal Gain Clause: This organization, if raising funds, shall ethically raise and distribute profits from organizational functions to either the organization or to members who provide a service that directly benefits the organization. Individual members may not receive compensation directly from for profit companies if acting as a representative of a student organization.